Home News Yumbe District official arrested for soliciting and receiving Shs23m bribe

Yumbe District official arrested for soliciting and receiving Shs23m bribe

Yumbe District official arrested for soliciting and receiving Shs23m bribe


This morning, the State Home Anti-Corruption Unit working with Police CID have arrested Kana Taban a Senior Procurement Officer (SPO) of Yumbe district and Anule Siraj of Miribe Basis Restricted.

The Senior Procurement Officer solicited for Ugx23 million from Obua Emmanuel, the Managing Director of Apogee Logistics firm as a situation to award his firm a contract for the development of Ibizi water shed culvert and the rehabilitation of 4.3km Abiriamajo Yangani entry highway for FY2022/2023.

The bribe was paid via a checking account within the names of Miribe Basis Restricted and was it withdrawn by the account signatory Anule Siraj, who delivered it to the Senior Procurement Officer.

The Investigations have to date recovered UGX20M from the suspects who’re at present detained at Arua CPS for additional investigations.

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